Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lunchtime Walk

We took a walk today and Rebecca found dandelions to blow. The problem was she couldn't blow hard enough to make the seeds fly. She finally gave a big, big breath and off the seeds flew. Her brothers jumped in to try and they found out Rebecca wasn't kidding!

Levi Getting Ready to Begin Schoolwork

This isn't a great picture of Levi at his desk at all, but I like how it shows things around his head that are his 'interests'. Dale Jarrett, his stamp collection in a ziploc bag, his Flips gymnastics sticker, praying for the Fletcher family, this week's Bible verse, music awards, a note from his mom, a Men of Valor assignment page, and a letter from his friend.

Ginger's Bag

When we are doing school upstairs in the morning, Ginger sleeps in her bag. We had to cut the handles off because she kept getting tangled up in them. Just in case the other cats might jump on her while she is sleeping, Ginger made a 'side exit' for quick escapes.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pirate Piano Recital

The kids participated in a recital this month. The pieces they shared were ones they had practiced and practiced and practiced. Rhea is holding flowers for Mrs. Stringer, but hiding beneath them, Rhea had 1 1/2 dozen pale pink petite roses for his favorite pirate princess, Rebecca.

Ginger in the Tree

Ginger is now 7 months old and managed to run quickly up a tree and ended up sleeping there until Rhea got home late that night to get her down. She now runs up trees, but only so far before she comes back down.

Valentine's Day

We went to an assisted living home with our piano teacher. The kids enjoyed playing for everyone there. I think the biggest sing along came when Levi played Amazing Grace. Savannah also recited a beautiful passage from 1Cor. 13.
