Monday, September 22, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Flashback: May 2007

We are out-of-town and we have our old laptop with us. So, until I take new pictures on this trip, I had to use what was available on this computer! Haven't Rebecca and Aubrey grown in a year? They also both have new sisters for 2008!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grub Pics for The Fletcher boys!

Our church's missionary family , The Fletchers are serving in Krakow, Poland right now. Their boys love 'bugs'. Dustin and Levi found these while looking for earthworms for an Apologia Science experiment and wanted to post the pictures for Daegen & Tristyn. I will try to post 'sweeter' pictures next time!


Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Dustin (13) & Rebecca (8) !





Two of our babies turned 13 & 8 today!! We had a wonderful day together. GiGi & PaPa (Rhea's parents) are her for a long weekend. A friend of the family Raymond (age 10) made Rebecca's cake! Isn't it wonderful? It taseted sooo good! Dustin's cake was made by a family friend. It was marverlous and so fancy and appropriate for such a big day for Dustin.

Papa Mike (Shannon's father) got off work early to spend the afternoon with all of us. We all went to Rudy's BBQ for dinner and had a great time. Dustin & Rebecca enjoyed calls from their friends the Askews. They also loved their birthday cards from Aunt Gina & Uncle Ian, Aunt Peg & Uncle Ford, Uncle Jerry & Aunt Sue, and Great-grandmother Mimi.

THe kids finished the evening with lots of cake and ice cream while the grown ups groaned from over-indulging in the delicious BBQ at Rudy's! Rhea also set up a new patio set and table outside today. We put Rhea's big shop fan out there and ate lunch and enjoyed the new outdoor oasis (well oasis might be a stretch-ha).

Tomorrow, I will post some more birthday pictures.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rhea Likes Us to Stop at All the "Photo Stops"

usually we are silly, but this time we weren't?

The highlight of today’s blog is my husband Rhea. I need to take a moment to remind him how wonderful he is to me and to our children. I am honored to be Rhea’s helpmeet in our marriage. He is a servant-leader for our Lord in our family in every sense of the word. He consistently sets a wonderful example of a solid work ethic for our boys. He is a man of integrity. He is a caring and loving father to our daughters. He takes time to reach out to others in his life to help give them the ‘break’ they need in this world. Rhea is a giver of time & energy to those in his daily life. Even as God allowed some struggles to enter our lives, Rhea handled each and every situation with a spiritual maturity that brought peace to our home and brought continued joy and laughter to us all. Even as he has been out-of-town quite a bit over the last couple of months, his phone calls lift us each and every night. He never is discouraged because he knows the Lord holds everything in His hands.

I admire my husband’s faith in God’s plan for his life and our family. I love Rhea dearly and I wanted him to have a special day on our family blog. He is the rock that binds our family together!

I appreciate you so much and all that you do and say to make our lives wonderful! We love you Rhea and We love you Daddy!
Shannon & your 4 children!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kemah Boardwalk 3/28/2008

Beginning the week after Levi returned home from the hospital, Rhea began two jobs down in the Clear Lake area. He took the travel trailer to Kemah which is ten minutes from his jobsites. He and our subcontractor stay there during the week. Rhea comes home on weekends and often one night during the week.
The last weekend in March, Rhea stayed in Kemah and I drove the kids down on a Thursday afternoon. We spent Friday at the Kemah Boardwalk. Rebecca had never been on a roller coaster and she quickly jumped in line with her daddy to ride a large wooden roller coaster.
The park was not crowded at all during the day and there were no lines at all for any of the rides.
The weather was beautiful, but blustery as you can se by Rebecca's face above.
Rebecca hung on her daddy most of the entire weekend. I love to watch those two together. They are so close!
Elizabeth napped throughout the day and she even got to ride the train a couple of times. She looks really big here, but she is only 14# at 5 months old. Maybe it is the camera angle.
Yes, they are true bandits aren't they?? I love them to pieces though!
The Inverter is a ride Rebecca would not go near, but the boys could not ride enough! It goes upside down....a lot!
Rebecca loved the Aviator. It was a giant swing in the air. I loved a ride like this at Astroworld when I was a child called the Gunslinger.
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More bluebonnets

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I have to start again somewhere!

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Well, I have so much to share with all of you. However, I keep waiting for the opportunity to sit down and catch everyone up on the last few months of our lives here at the Robison house. Well, since that 'opportunity' has not presented itself as of yet, I have decided to just 'catch you up' as we go along. So, please bear with me. I will post current pictures and updates of our lives as well as post about the events in our lives these first few months of 2008. We are so blessed as a family and just looking around our home each day reminds me of the special gifts God has given us.

The picture above is my sad attempt at bluebonnet pictures this year! We never made it to the patches in a neighboring community. But when we went to visit Rhea one weekend in Kemah (more on that later), I saw a small patch on one of the NASA tours and we jumped in for a quick photo. One day I might own Photoshop and will be able to work on that water tower and fence in the background! In the meantime, you can see how the kids continue to grow. We will have a teenager next week! Or should I say, young adult : ) !!

We will also have an eight year old and Elizabeth will turn 6 months! We are looking forward to visits from grandparents to celebrate the big events next week. Tomorrow, I will post more pictures of our trip to Kemah and update you on Rhea's work. Following that, it will be time to share about Levi's recovery and some pictures of him.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Family Christmas Party





Here are some quick captures from our annual family Christmas party. Lots of cousins to see! I have posted a lot in the last couple of days. So, make sure to check the January Archives to see them all!
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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Lights 2007




Rhea and the boys spent a weekend lighting up the yard. They did a wonderful job. The neighborhood Garden Club thought so too. Our house won an award for one of the best homes in the subdivision! Way to go Robison men!
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The Many Faces of Elizabeth





The boys have loved using our point and shoot canon sd800 since I got my canon rebel xti for Christmas. They really have taken some fun photos. They also know how to get Elizabeth giggling!
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!




We took the kids to the bank to open savings accounts. They each paid into a CD as well. Even Elizabeth opened an account with a 'birth' day gift from Papa Mike!
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